The Love of the Father

 My husband and I just got back from a weekend trip for our anniversary. It was so nice to get away and celebrate together; the best part was just stepping away from everyday life to do something different and have no other focus except just being together. But it was at lunch on the last day of our trip that God had something else to show me.

We went to eat at Golden Corral. I was feeling a little bit down because we were supposed to stay one more day, but we had to cut our plans short because a big snowstorm was due to hit when we were supposed to be traveling home. We decided it would be better to get home ahead of that storm instead of driving through it. As I got up to make a second trip to the buffet, I walked past a family who had a special needs child. I have a heart for kids with special needs, so of course I noticed and smiled at them, but I had no idea what God was going to speak to my heart through this family.

When I came back to my seat, I was sitting in a position where the boy and his father had their backs turned toward me. I found myself watching their interaction with each other, and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The boy was sitting in his seat, shaking his head from side to side and flailing his arms. At times he would rock back and forth and make some pretty loud noises. As I glanced over, the father, with the most love and compassion I've ever seen, put his arm around the boy (who was much larger than he was) looked him lovingly in the eyes, and spoke to him to calm him. I have no idea what the father said to the boy, but the love he had for his son was evident. As they left the restaurant, I saw the two of them in the parking lot, and the father was holding the boy's hand to lead him to the car.

In that moment, God spoke to my heart and reminded me of His love for all of His children. He says, in Jeremiah 31:3, "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." Also, Isaiah 41:13 says, "For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."

I am so glad that God blessed me with the opportunity to watch that father and son. Just as that father put his arm around the boy and spoke softly to him, our God wraps us up in His arms and whispers to us that we are His and everything is okay. As the father held his son's hand to lead him safely to the car, our heavenly Father holds us by the hand to keep us safe.

Take some time today to ponder the great love that your Father has for you. Allow Him to sit with you and whisper in your ear. Let Him take your hand, help you, and guide you. And thank Him for the little ways that He shows us His love. We serve such an amazing, loving, tender God!


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