Persevering through Pain

 I have been struggling with a bad tooth for about two weeks. What started as a minor cavity turned into a major problem that caused the nerve in my tooth to be exposed. I went into the dentist about a week and a half ago and had the cavity filled. I never thought I would actually look forward to going to the dentist, but I was in so much pain, I just wanted to get it done so I could stop suffering.

Well, the filling didn't do it. Even with the filling, the nerve was still exposed. I felt good for about a week after the filling, but then the pain came back. This time, though, it was excruciating. I was up all night trying anything I knew to get rid of it. There was no way to sleep. I took lots of ibuprofen. I tried heat. I tried ice. Nothing was working.

I finally got back into the dentist a couple of days later, and the tooth had to go. I got numbed up, he pulled the tooth, and I thought, "Okay. This is it. I will feel better now." But the day of the extraction and the next day of course I was sore. I am partway through Day 2 after the extraction, and I am finally starting to feel like myself again.

Have you ever had pain that just won't quit? It might be like mine, physical pain that you just can't find relief from. But it could be emotional pain. Maybe it's in the death of a loved one, a broken relationship, or some other tragedy in your life. Here is what God has to say about your pain, from 2 Corinthians 12:9:

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

Thank God for that promise! I can tell you, when it was 3:00 AM, I had to work the next day, and I wasn't finding any relief, I was holding onto that promise. If you are in a time of deep pain, not matter what kind, you, too can hold on to His promise to give you grace that is sufficient for your situation.

I have to tell you, not only did I make it through the next day with no sleep, I had more energy than I should have given the circumstances. Thank the Lord, the pain did come and go and wasn't constant, another indication that His grace was at work.

Friend, when the pain of life just won't quit, ask God for more grace. Allow Him to be the One who sits with you in your weakness, even when it seems like it will never end. He will bring healing in His own perfect timing, but until He does, allow His grace to be sufficient.


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