God's Handiwork

Just the other night as I was driving home, I noticed the unique sunset. Instead of the reds and oranges that usually appear in the sky, there was a bright yellow glow that radiated off the clouds. It was like the sky had turned to gold. About an hour later, the sky had turned into pink and blue cotton candy, and I thought, God really showed his artistry and handiwork tonight.

Then I recalled the passage of Scripture from Ephesians 2:10, which says, "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." How often I look out at nature and admire all that God has created and forget that He created me with just as much beauty and purpose. All of Creation was made to give God glory, and I am no less beautiful in His sight than those amazing skies that He brings in the evening.

So I took a moment to read through Psalm 139 to remind myself just who I am in the Father's eyes. He created me, He knows me, and He is always with me. I decided that I need to practice Psalm 139:14 more often in my walk with Him: "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." 

I can praise God for the beautiful sunsets, the amazing colors of the leaves in the fall, and the beauty of the sun glistening off the waters of a stream. But I can praise Him just as much when I look in the mirror. Not only did He create me just as He did other things in nature, He created me in His image, to be a reflection of Him, and there is nothing more beautiful than that.

Take some quiet time today to sit with the Lord and allow Him to show you just how beautiful you are. Don't look in the mirror and see your imperfections. Look and see the beautiful creation of God that you are. You are worth more to Him than any sunset He could make. You are loved, and you are beautiful.


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